Financial Tips for a New Year that’s Merry and Bright!

Happily saying goodbye to 2020, many of us have high hopes for 2021 and the New Year that’s just begun.  If you’ve got some big plans for this year, chances are you have already written down a list of resolutions.  In fact, just last month we blogged about the topic of resolutions, specifically as they […]

A New Year – For You AND Your Home!

After the year we’ve all just experienced I’m sure you’ll agree it’s time to say “goodbye” and perhaps even “good riddance” to 2020! While this year has provided us with a wonderful reminder about the importance of time spent with family, you might also feel like being “safe at home” has given you plenty of […]

Vellore Village Real Estate Newsletter for June 2020

Modern Style Kitchen with marble table and backdrop

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Your Greater Toronto Real Estate Newsletter for May & June


orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mollis, quam sed dignissim accumsan, enim felis egestas urna, ut rhoncus enim diam ac ipsum. Maecenas venenatis lobortis odio at congue. Integer lorem velit, eleifend vitae sapien in, vestibulum iaculis libero.